What is it?
urinary antispasmodic with antimuscarinic properties.
Symptomatic treatment of urinary incontinence and / or increased urinary frequency and urgency in patients with overactive bladder syndrome.
Posology and method of administration
One capsule (30 mg) once a day, with or without food. It is recommended to reevaluate the effectiveness after 4 weeks of treatment.
compared to tolterodine 4 mg: there are no differences in effectiveness in reducing the number of episodes of urina-tion in 24 hours. No inferiority.
Anticholinergic effects: dry mouth, headache, accommoda-tion disturbances, visual impairment, constipation, abdomi-nal pain, dyspepsia and fatigue.Liver function: reversible alterations of liver enzymes may occur, so they should be monitored in long-term treatments.It is not recommended in patients with moderate to severe hepatic impairment.
Caution: in patients with autonomic neuropathy, severe con-gestive heart failure, prostatic hypertrophy, hiatus hernia with esophageal reflux, arrhythmias and angle-closure glau-coma. In the elderly, risk of cognitive impairment.
Place in theraPeutics
Efficacy and safety similar to tolterodine.Like other drugs of the same class, it would only be indicated when the non-pharmacological measures are insufficient.